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Flash MP3 Player

If you need to be able to play MP3s on your Web site, the Flash MP3 player is perfect for most sites. It's easy to set up and install, and you should be able to have it up and running in minutes on your Web site. You can have an unlimited number of songs in your playlist. Here is a screenshot of the player:

Danny Spears Band Music Player

You can see an actual working version of the MP3 player here: Danny Spears Band.

To install the player, follow these simple instructions:

  1. Download the MP3 player here.
  2. Unzip the file and upload xspf_player.swf and xspf_player.fla to your server, making sure they are in the same directory with the rest of your player files.
  3. Create a playlist with a simple text editor like Notepad, and name it playlist.xspf. Make sure you save it with a .xspf extension. If you're having difficulty doing that, save it as "playlist.xspf" including the quotes.

    Your playlist should look like this, change the items in bold text to reflect your own information:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <playlist version="0" xmlns = "">
    <title>The Title of Your MP3 Player</title>
    <annotation>Your Song Title</annotation>
    <annotation>Your Song Title</annotation>

    I only have 2 songs listed above. You can add additional songs just by adding more tracks. Upload the playlist.
  4. Create the images for your player. They need to be 130 x 130 pixels to fit properly. They also need to be jpegs or they will not work (.jpg). You can use one image for all songs, or you can have a different image for each song. Upload your images to your server.
  5. Upload all of your MP3s to your server.
  6. Embed the player on your site using the following html:

    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.
    width="400" height="151">
    <param name="movie" value="
    .swf? playlist_url=
    KICK&playlist_size=3" />

Good luck!! Have any questions? Write your congressman ;) Or you could always post a question in my forum.


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