Welcome to Lissa's Cursors!! This is a cross-browser script. I only have a few cursor images now but I hope to add many more soon. If you see a cursor design you like, right click on the image and choose "save as" to save the image to your hard drive. You'll need to download all six images in order to make one cursor. You can copy and paste the following code (in the text box) and add it to your page after the <body> tag (if you don't know where the body tag is click
here). You do need to substitute each of your 6 image names in this code where it says "imagename.gif." Each of the images that I have provided are numbered from 1-6 (not necessarily smallest to largest in size) and they have to stay numbered that way in the code. If you alter this code in any way, other than the image name, it will not work. Good luck!
If you're looking for the script that
replaces the default cursor, visit my
CSS page.

The author of this script is
Brian Caputo and was used on this page with his written permission.
Get the script:
View cursor images here
Copyright 1997-2016 Lissa, All rights reserved