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Lissa's Meta Tag Generator

Improve your search engine ranking with the new META Tag Generator at Lissa Explains it All:
META tags and the title are important means to reach a top ranking at the major search engines! META tags and the title allow better indexing by robot-driven search engines. Search engines will grab the content of your META tags and the title in order to calculate the position for your website. By providing a smart title and precise META tags you will drive more traffic to your website. My new META Tag Builder will help you to enhance the impact of your META tags.!

Create META tags:

Step 1: Enter the title for your website (no more than 100 characters):

Step 2: Enter a description of your website (no more than 150 characters):

Step 3: Enter keywords for your website (no more than 15 keywords):

Step 4: Enter the author of the website (webmaster):

Step 5: Click the button 'create META tags':

Step 6: Open your webpage, copy the code below and place it between <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags:

IMPORTANT: the code must be placed beween <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags of your webpage. See red sample-code below:
<TITLE>Your Web Page Title</TITLE>
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Your description comes here">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3">
<META NAME="author" CONTENT="Peter Smith">

The content of your webpage

Step 7: Repeat step 1 to step 6 for each webpage of your website!

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