How do I add a form button link? Add this code to your page, and subsitute your own information where you see bold text:
<form method="get" action="http://address you want to link to"><input type="submit" value="click here"></form>
This is what it would look like:
Add color to your button:
<FORM METHOD="get" ACTION=""><INPUT TITLE="submit" TYPE="submit" STYLE="background:#00ff00" VALUE="Click Here"></FORM>
You can have these forms buttons target your links just by adding target="your frame name" to the above code.
How do I add images? This is very easy (substitute your own info where you see bold text):
<img src="
your filename.gif (or .jpg)" width="
yourwidth" height="
yourheight" alt="
my image name">
To center the image, this is what you do:
<div align="center"><img src="
your filename.gif (or .jpg)" width="
yourwidth" height="
yourheight" alt="
my image name"></div>
You can also use the div align attribute to align images to the left, center, and right (left is the default):

<img src="turtle.gif">
<div align="center"><img src="turtle.gif"></div>
<div align="right"><img src="turtle.gif"></div>
Remember that you need to upload the images to your server space. If you don't, when you look at your page you will see a red x where the image should be. This means you either didn't upload it, or there is an error in your HTML code.
If your images are not in your main directory, and you've added them in a folder called "images," you would have to link to the image like this:
<img src="images/yourfilename.gif">
How do I add spaces between my images? You can add vertical and horizontal spaces to your images using a tag called vspace or hspace. Vspace is the vertical space (space above and below) tag and hspace is the horizontal space (space from side to side) tag. Add the space tag to your img src tag like this:
<img src="cat.gif" hspace="
Using the above tag will give you a space between 2 images of 15 pixels. You can add the vspace and the hspace tags together to create space above, below, and beside your images.
Hspace = 15:

Vspace=8, Hspace=8:

How do I make hyperlink images? This is the question that I am asked the most! It is very simple. Upload the image to your server, then copy and paste this code into your editor, but add your own file name:
<a href="
address you want image to click to"><img src="
your file name.gif(or jpg)"
It is also really nice to have the image width and height included in the tag because your page will load faster and it looks better. You can also include an ALT tag which will give people something to look at while your page is loading. To find out what the image height and width are, you right click on your image and choose "properties." Unless you are using an older browser it should tell you the dimensions of your image in pixels. You just need to change the code a little (substitute your own info where you see bold text):
<a href="
address you want image to click to"><img src="
your filename.gif(or jpg)"
border="0" width="
000" height="
000" alt="
pick a name"></a>
If you do not include the tag <border="0"> you will see a border around your image.
*Some Web hosts require you to link to the image with your whole URL, if you're having problems with images showing up try this: <a href="address you want image to click to"><img src="your webpage address/your filename.gif(or jpg)"></a>
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